On this page you can find the visual identity guide of Beta - Timisoara Biennial of Architecture, press releases and materials for partners.


The entire content of the www.betacity.eu website is protected by Law No. 8/1996 on Copyright and Related Rights (Copyright Law), all rights reserved. This site is owned and managed by the Romanian Order of Architects, Timiș Territorial Branch, through the Beta Architecture Biennial organizing team. All rights, titles and interests related to this site and its content belong to the Order of Architects of Romania Timiș Territorial Branch or its collaborators or partners, as providers of the site content.

All materials posted on the website are protected by intellectual property rights legislation and belong to the Order of Architects of Romania, Timiș Territorial Branch or its content providers. Any reproduction, distribution, transmission, transfer, presentation, broadcasting, creation of secondary works, sale, rental, licensing or publication of materials on the site (regardless of the manner in which such activities are carried out or the medium on which the materials are saved in order to perform the aforementioned actions) by any third party, whether for a direct commercial purpose or for any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary purpose, is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Order of Architects of Romania Timiș Territorial Branch or of the author indicated in the content of certain materials published on the site.

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For any questions related to branding, use of Beta image and materials, logo placement, you can write to us at [email protected] or directly to the PR and Communications Manager:

Catinca Mănăilă

PR&Communication manager

The Beta image guidelines and logos can be downloaded from the links above. For any information, you can write to us at the address above.